Hue Blaster
An endless topdown shooter where you have to match the color of the enemy to be able to kill them.
// you can block enemies with your gun \\
M&K controls:
movement: W-A-S-D, and arrow keys
aim: mouse
change color: q and e, z and x, comma and period, and mouse wheel
shoot: left mouse button
controller controls:
movement: dpad, and left stick
aim: right stick (set "controller aiming" on in the settings menu)
change color: left bumper and right bumper
shoot: right trigger
// the web build is kinda buggy
/// this is my first time submitting to a jam
//// all the builds are kinda buggy
hue_blaster.zip 21 MB
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ayo, this game baller
also I just managed to go do -1 life, incredible
the gun has collision, which means, as long as you are aiming at something, it can not kill you
The sound effects really bring this game to life!